In 2010, PANK Magazine was the first literary journal I ever submitted to. Seven years later, I am damn excited to say my story, “I Dream of Jeannie,”* is on their homepage (direct link here)! And damn thankful this writerly dream has become reality.

*tw sexual violence


John Wayne in Santa Fe

I’m so excited to share that one of my short-short stories from a series de/recontextualizing “icons” of masculinity, “John Wayne Learns He Is a Woman in Barcelona,” was recently published in Issue 9 of the Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly! In it, I hope to investigate constructions of whiteness and masculinity, and how narratives of imperialism and power reify these constructions.

BMI’s 2nd Annual Contrarian Lecture

Back in February, I was part of the opening line-up for the 2nd Biannual Jim Rogers Contrarian Lecture hosted by Black Mountain Institute (BMI), a literary nonprofit in Las Vegas. Each of the openers were tasked with presenting a two-minute “micro” contrarian lecture.

BMI’s website recently uploaded video from the event. Unfortunately, the video’s settings don’t allow me to embed it, but ya girl comes on at 14:25.

My contrarian micro essay, “On Gratitude,” (briefly!) discusses queer visibility in a capitalist culture.

We’ll never be “Royal”

I’m stoked to post that “Royal” has found its home at The Woven Tale Press!

With this, my first fairy tale, I hope to discuss cultural and capitalistic premiums placed on whiteness and power. The issue (Vol. V #3) is live and free to read online with a subscription!

“Fun Home” Ain’t Fun

It’s dangerous.

Unpopular opinion: Fun Home, the off-Broadway Tony award-winning hit based on the graphic novel by MacArthur genius grant recipient Alison Bechdel, commits harmful erasures.


This is a belated posting, but my review of Fun Home explores the ways silence and ignorance reify oppressive social structures.

*TW sexual violence, pedophilia

Events Page Added!

Y’all, I’m stoked to have a reason to add an Events page to this author site! It currently includes two upcoming readings:

If you’re in my neck of the woods at these times, come say hey! Let’s get a drink and talk about stories. <3

Full details can be found here!


Never enough horror! Me at Can’t Look Away: The Lure of Horror Film, an exhibit at the Experience Music Project Museum in Seattle, Washington (October 2016)